Sunday, September 25, 2011

I love Veggie Tales!

I let my son stay up watch Veggie Tales.  That's right, you heard me right.  In our house we don't watch TV or play video games during the week.  Only on weekends.  And did I mention we have no television channels, only dvd movies and video games?  I know, crazy.  BUT, my child LOVES to read.  And he can carry on lengthy discussions that keep me involved in what's going on in his head and heart.  Cable is overrated, and rots the brain.

You may be saying, big deal.  What's the BIG DEAL?  Well, you see my son is 11.  ELEVEN.  And is asking to watch Veggie Tales.  With all the junk he is forced to process - drugs, alcohol, cursing, sex, etc - it makes my heart happy to hear him beg to stay up to watch Veggie Tales after his little brother goes to bed.  On a school night.

So, I let him.  One day he will lose that sweetness that makes him love simple wholesome media.  And when the day comes, I will relish in the memory of his love of Veggie Tales. 

I also love watching him sing along at the top of his lungs to Mandisa and Toby Mac.  Praising Jesus with his whole soul, it is beautiful.  I pray for him to never lose sight of what is important in life.  I pray for God to protect him from the influences of the world that challenge him to turn toward sinfulness.  And I pray those Veggie Tales lessons are buried deep inside his heart for him to remember when he turns from young to old. 

Ahhh, if only they could stay little....


  1. I use to think Veggie Tales was for toddler, but Kylie who's 9 has recently started to watch it and appreciate it more than when she was younger. Also they let them watch it in Sunday school at Church as well. I would rather her watch that than a lot of what else is on t.v. We are going to be cutting out our cable pretty soon and only having basic cable.

  2. Drea, we have had them since kobie was little, and he has always loved them. But now he finds deeper meanings in them than just the cute little songs. I love that both he and his 3 year old brother can watch it together!


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