My son is a thriving 12 year old with a passion for scouting. He started as a Wolf scout at 7, and has progressed up the ranks to Life scout at only 12. He has been preparing for his Eagle scout project since before he crossed over from Cub Scouts into Boy Scouts. We are a scouting family. My 4 year old is currently wearing a Tiger cub tshirt that was handed down to us by my best friend (whom I happen to have met through scouting). But if the proposed changes occur our scouting life may come to an end.
The Boy Scouts of America is a good company with a good mission. And we have enjoyed our time in a morally strong activity. Something that supports the same fundamentals we live as Christians. Don't get me wrong, there are non-Christians in the BSA. But we all adhere to the same scout oath and scout law, and for that I have always been grateful. You see, I can accept that there are people in this world who choose not to follow Christ. I pray for them, not excluding them, but rather hoping that one day they will choose LIFE over darkness. And up until now scouting has been a safe zone -a place where I felt the ideals supported what my family believes and practices in our daily lives. The scout oath is this... "On my honor I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight." And there are decisions on the table that simply will not support the morally straight piece of this oath. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)
Here is a media release statement from the BSA -
Boy Scouts of America Monday, Jan. 28, 2013 Attributable to: Deron Smith, Director of Public Relations
more than 100 years, Scouting’s focus has been on working together to
deliver the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and
values-based leadership training. Scouting has always been in an
ongoing dialogue with the Scouting family to determine what is in the
best interest of the organization and the young people we serve. “Currently, the BSA is discussing potentially removing the national membership restriction regarding sexual orientation. This would mean there would no longer be any national policy regarding sexual orientation, and the chartered organizations that oversee and deliver Scouting would accept membership and select leaders consistent with each organization’s mission, principles, or religious beliefs. BSA members and parents would be able to choose a local unit that best meets the needs of their families.
“The policy change under discussion would allow the religious, civic, or educational organizations that oversee and deliver Scouting to determine how to address this issue. The Boy Scouts would not, under any circumstances, dictate a position to units, members, or parents. Under this proposed policy, the BSA would not require any chartered organization to act in ways inconsistent with that organization’s mission, principles, or religious beliefs.”
As a Christian I will tell you that Biblical truth states homosexuality as a sinful choice. Not something someone is born into. Not something beyond control. It is a choice that comes from having a sinful lustful nature. We all make choices everyday. And it baffles me how this choice was ever labeled as "decided from birth." Are you kidding me? I am NOT saying that their dna structure has nothing to do with it. Every person is born with desires for one thing over another. It is called temptation. But choosing sexual relations with someone of the same sex is not morally straight. I have gay friends, always have. They know what I believe. And I pray for them. I pray they repent to Christ and begin anew to live the life they were intended to live.
As a last caveat that will irk some of you, did you know the President of the US serves as the honorary BSA president during his term? Meaning President Obama is in "charge" per say. No WONDER this change comes now. For all of you who believe the President to be a Christian man, let me challenge you to take his ideals and check them Biblically. There has been a moral decline in our nation for a long time, and I can only say that it seems to be picking up speed faster than ever before. Unfortunately, I believe we are now a country of more restrictions and guidelines than freedoms. The Boy Scouts of America is under a Congressional charter which keeps them free to function independently. So, WHY, therefore can people not leave them alone. WHY must everything in our country "accept" the GLBT agenda? Why can they not go form their own all-inclusive group that is similar in activities? In our country of so many freedoms, why can the BSA not choose to run things the way they want to?
When I was in college I saw many different scholarships available...some for African Americans, some for Hispanics, some for certain income brackets, some for people with a military background, and yes even some religious ones. And the reason there were options was because we are all different and identify with certain things that others do not. So why is that not the case here? Why is it that if the BSA chooses to function under guidelines that exclude some people from participating, they are called "behind the times" when in fact they are trying to hold onto some type of freedom in our seemingly freedom-less America?
Like I said, some of you may be upset. Some of you may agree. Some of you who do agree will stay silent, because you too want to avoid the controversy. The disagreement. That's ok. I could not keep quiet on this one. I pray that my message is construed correctly - I do NOT hate gay people. I also do not believe the BSA should have to change the way it operates just to please those who don't follow its guidelines. And, unfortunately, I do not want my boys in positions of being "led" by people that are not in sync with the moral guidelines I have taught them. Young men are impressionable. So, if the decision on this goes the way I suspect it will, my younger sons will learn their love of the outdoors through our own in-home "scouting" program. I believe this is one more sign of the end times - the moral decline of our nation.
The BSA is taking phone calls and emails to vote on this possible change in policy. Call 972-580-2330 to vote either FOR or AGAINST the change in policy. If you can't get through email There are more than 1 million members of the BSA, I pray each and every one of them votes. Feel free to share this post to encourage people to vote.
One last thought...why on earth would people fight so hard to get INTO a program that goes against their way of life? I cannot imagine ever fighting against a pagan organization to make it become Christian so that I could take part. I simply would not be in it - why can't people do that in this case, and leave the BSA alone to do as it chooses?
Last I knew, the Bible taught us not to judge. Seems like you're doing a lot of that here in this post. Do you also screen your children's teachers at school to make sure they're not divorced, since, you know, that's a sin too? Homosexuality is not a learned behavior, it's biological in other words GOD made them that way. FYI, those gay leaders and kids have always BEEN in Boy Scouts and you're delusional to think they haven't been. It's people like YOU who keep them from being open about it. By the way, there are plenty of gay Christians too.
ReplyDeleteActually, the Bible very clearly states that we are to judge. Matthew 7 says for us to make sure we are clean of those sins we look upon as sin in others. For example, if you are to accuse someone of being a thief, make sure that you yourself are not guilty of the same first. If you are to confront someone about adultery, be sure your own actions are free from that sin as well. We are designed to judge, to determine right from wrong. It is only our sinful nature that wishes to adopt a system where every man is his own judge - how can something be wrong if we all are to determine our own wrongs? I disagree that homosexuality is biological, I believe God did not intend us to live in that way. If he did then there would not be clear written scripture that homosexuality is a sin. Sin is something that through Christ we are able to rise up against, to choose to put aside. Homosexuality is a choice, a sinful one, that a person can choose against. Does that mean it is easy for all to do? No. But we all have temptations that Satan uses against us, and learning to understand our weaknesses and be prepared is part of Christian maturity.
DeleteAs for comparing this to divorce, the difference is in a continued way of life. I do not know the heart of people to know if they recognize and repent from divorce. And biblically speaking it is not always a sin, and I do not know the reasons behind what each person does. It is different than an ongoing sin which someone has neither confessed nor repented from. That is their choice to do so, to remain living in daily sin, but I do not wish that person to be the one my son looks up to. We all sin, but what my God teaches is a heart of repentance and a changing of ways. Homosexuality offers no recognition of wrong, and the Bible clearly states that is it sin. Like I said, that is between them and God - fine. I have no beef with them, the Bible clearly states that not all will choose Christ and eternity with Him. And if someone previously chose a gay lifestyle and has repented for such and changed their ways, then I would have no problem with them as a leader either. As a mother, it is my job to help ensure the people who have great influence on my child are leading him appropriately. In regards to teachers, I home-school but when he has been in school I did know quite a bit about the teachers he had. So yes, I guess I do screen them.
I am sure homosexuals have been a part of the BSA, I am not delusional nor am I naive. But, I do know that this decision is a slippery slope - after this, what's next? Transgendered girls who identify with being a boy becoming a Boy Scout? No thank you. This decision will open up all kinds of issues that need not even come up - they are a private organization and should be able to run it as such.
As for gay Christians, I can only say that if someone is truly a Christian following Jesus, they will recognize homosexuality as a sin and turn from it. The Christian faith believes that we are all sinners, even once saved, but Christ does reveal to us the sin in our life, and we must not only repent but turn from it. So for anyone who is a believer in Christ, saved through Jesus, to feel that it is ok to continue to practice homosexuality is a contradiction. True Christianity does not perceive any confusion on this.